City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

18th January 1747 - 12th December 1748

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150590043

Image 43 of 8327th September 1748


At the General Session of the Peace holden fro the
City of London at the Guildhall within the said City
by adjournment on Tuesday the Twenty seventh day
of September 1748 .

Whereas James Maule a prisoner in the Fleet Prison for [..]
Deot was brought before this Court in Order to be discharged
from his Imprisonment pursuant to the Act of Parliament
made in the Twenty first year of hi present Majesty's Reign
for Relief of Insolvent Debtors and whereas the Discharge [..]
of the said James Maule< no role > was opposed by M [..]
Alexander Attry< no role > who appeared as Agent for one Wm. Cam< no role >
alledging that the said James Maule< no role > was Indebted to the sd
Wm. Cam< no role > in a certain Sum of Money exceeding £500. besides
Interest and Costs But this Court being willing to be further
Informed in the premes thereupon remanded the said
James Maule< no role > and adjourned the further Consideration
of his Case until the next General Quarter Session of
the Peace to be held at the Guildhall in & for the
City of London In order that the said Wm. Cam way
then & there appear in person to make out the
Validity of his said Debt And doth order that Notice
thereof be given to the said Wm. Cam< no role > for that purpose
by serving the said Wm. Cam< no role > with a true Copy of
this Order.

By the Court


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