City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

23rd December 1762 - 28th December 1762

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150740086

Image 86 of 14011th May 1756

To the Right Honble the Lord Mayor and the rest
of the Justices of the City of London in the
Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said City

The humble Petition of the Several
Master Taylors whose Names are hereunto
Subscribed on behalf of themselves and of the
rest of the Master Taylors of the Same City
and the Libertys thereof;


That at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace
holden by Adjournment for the said City at the Guildhall within
the said City on Tuesday the 11th. day of May 1756 upon Hearing
the Petition of several Master Taylors Complaining unto that
Court That the Journeyman Taylors within the said City and
Libertys thereof had Entred into a Combination to Raise their
Wages and Comitted other Irregularities and praying such Relief
as that Court Should think proper The Court thereupon by virtue
of the Power vested in them by an Act of Parliament made in
the seventh year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the
first Entitled An Act for Regulating the Journeyman
Taylors within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, Did
Order and Appoint That from that time the Hours of Work for
all Journeyman Taylors Servants and Apprentices to Taylors
and other Persons employed or to be employed or retained as
Taylors in the making up Mens or Womens work within the
said City and the said Act) be from six of the Clock in the
Morning until Eight of the Clock at Night Excepting only
that there should be allowed by the Master one Hour For
Dinner in the time aforesaid and that for the time or hour
of Work aforesaid there should be paid unto every Journeyman
Taylor or other Person employed or to be employed or retained
as a Journeyman Taylor (over and besides Three half
pence for Breakfast which is allowed by the said Act) for
his Work during the Hours aforesaid instead of the sums
mentioned in the said Act The Wages and Sums following
that is to say From that time until the 24th. day of June
then next any sum not exceeding 2s. 6d. by the Day and

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