Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

12th January 1784 - 10th September 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556090384

Image 384 of 54213th December 1787

December 1787.


Sir Robert Taylor< no role > Knt.
James Paine< no role > Esqr.
Henry Holland< no role > Esqr.

Thomas Collins< no role > Esqr.
John Barnfather< no role > Esqr.

The said Committee Report

That in pursuance of the Order of Reference to them made
Vizt. To Enquire whether the Duty of the Surveyors for this County hath been
and is duly executed agreeably to the directions contained in the Act of
Parliament in that Case made and provided Your Committee have
Inspected the Act of Parliament above mentioned and fully Investigated
and Considered the same and have Examined into the several matters
pointed out and referred to by the said Act

And the said Committee further Report

That in some of the Districts in this County the Office of
Surveyor under the above mentioned Act of Parliament is executed by

That in most of the Districts in this County improper
Materials are frequently made use of in the Erection of Buildings and
Party Walls, that such Buildings and Party Walls have been afterwards
Surveyed and the improper Materials suffered to remain therein.

That the Construction and Thickness of Party Walls in most
of the Districts in this County are not in many Instances conformable to
the directions of the Act of Parliament above mentioned

That the Certificates and Affidavits of the Surveyors of
the Several Districts in this County of their having duly Surveyed
Buildings and party Walls are not regularly filed with the Clerk of the peace
for this County as directed by the said Act and that in very many Cases
Buildings are neither Surveyed or Certified.

Your Committee therefore Recommend it to the
Court to convene the Surveyor of the several Districts of
this County before them to inform them of the several
matters above mentioned and desire them to answer
the same

Rt Taylor< no role >

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