Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501540199

Image 199 of 26321st January 1716

To the Rt. Worshipfull his Maties, Justices of the Peace for the County of Midlx. assembled
in their Generall Quarter Sessions

The Humble Peticon and appeale of Nathaniell Dodd< no role > of the parish of St.
Clement Danes in this County Staconer


That by Order Dated the Eighteenth day of Aprill last Under the hands and Sealer
of Charles Medlicott< no role > George Owen< no role > Paul Margarett< no role > P: Collins Esqrs . and other his
Maties Justices of the Peace for the said County of Midlx and Citty and Liberty of [..]
g [..] nor is adjudged to be Guilty of publishing and Selling two Newspapers
or Pamphletts containing one Sheet and halfe each, the one called the News Letter
Number 13: Dated Saturday January the 28th: 1716 : and the other the London
post Number 11: Dated from January the 14th to January the 21th: 1716 : the
titled whereof not being entred and Registred in the Booke kept by the Comissioners of his
Maties, Stampe duties and one printed Coppy of each of the Said papers or pampheltts
Stampt or marked to denote the payment of certaine duties charged thereon by
Vertue of an but of Parliment in that case made.

That the Said Justices of the Peace did thereby order Your Peticoner to pay for each
of the Said News papers or Pamphletts the Sume of tenn pounds in Mitigacon of the
Sume of twenty pounds imposed & Sett by the Said Act of Parliament for the Said
Offences together with tenn Shillings for each Offence for costs of prosecution which
penalties amounting in the whole to twenty pounds, one Month thereof to be paid to
the Use of his Matie, and the other Month thereof to the Use of James Baldwin< no role > who
Sues for the Same with twenty Shillings costs.

Your Peticoner finding himselfe aggreived by the Said Order of the Justices
humbly appeals against the same to this worshipfull Court.

Your Peticoner therefore humbly prays Your Worships would please
to appoint a day this present Sessions for the Said James Baldwin< no role > and
all other persons comerned to attend Your Worships and to heare and
abide the Judgment and determinacon of this Court upon & touching
the Said Appeale, and that Your Peticoner may be relieved herein as to
Your Worships Shall Seem meet

And Your Peticoner as in duty bound Shall pray Etc

Rd. Walkins< no role >

Nathll: Dodd< no role >

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