Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501570081

Image 81 of 10611th October 1716

Midds. ss.

Ad General Quarterial Session' Pacis Domini Regis tent pro Com' Middlesexiae, apnd
Hicks's-Hall in St. John's-Street, in Com' predict' per Adjorn' Die Jovis Seilt' Undecimo Die
Octobris, Anno Regni Domini GEORGII, nunc Regis Magnae Britanniae, Etc. Tertio ; coram
Johanne Milner< no role > , Armigero ; Henrico Fetherston< no role > , Baronetto ; Jacobo Mission< no role > , Milite ; Josepho
< no role > , Thoma Woodcock< no role > , Roberto Thornhill< no role > , Ricardo Woolaston< no role > , Johanne Fuller< no role > , Johanne
< no role > , D'oyly Michel< no role > , Armigeris ; V aliis Sociis Suis Tusticiariis dieti Domini Regis ad
Pacem in Com' predict' conservand' necnon ad divers' Felon' Transgr' dicti Malefacta in codem
Com perpetrat' andiend & terminand assign'.

THIS COURT being informed by several Inhabitants of this County, That not withstanding
the several Complaints by them made to His now Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said
County, against such Persons as daily commit great Nusances in the Publick Streets within the Weekly
Bills of Mortality in this County, by their Cellar-Doors, and bringing their Shop-boards
into the Hoot-ways, and by driving Wheelbarrows, and by placing of Stalls, Chairs, Stands,
Wheelbarrows, Baskets of Fruit, and other Goods in the Publick Streets, Lanes, and Passages,
and of other such like Offences, and against such Inhabitants of this County, who suffer the
Pavements before their Doors to be in Decay for want of Repair, and also against the Petty-Con-
stables and Headboroughs of this County who permit and suffer several idle and disorderly Per-
sons to assemble in the Publick Streets, Lanes and Passages, and to sing and disperse seditious Songs,
Ballads, and Pamphlets, reflecting on His MAJESTY and his Government, and also permit
several Inhabitants within this County, to keep Gaming-Houses, and disorderly Victualing-Houses, and to entertain several
lewd and disorderly Persons at unseasonable Hours, and also permit several Persons Blind, Lame, or pretending so to be, and
others with distorted Limbs, or pretending to some Bodily Infirmity, to place themselves to beg in the Streets, Highways, or
Passages, to the great Annoyance and Danger of His Majesty's Subjects passing along the Streets and High-ways upon their
lawful Occassions, and in Contempt of several Acts of Parliament in such Cases made, and of the Penalties therein contained, and
of several Orders made at the General and Quarter Sessions of the Peace held for this County: For that the said Constables and
Headboroughs have been remiss in their Duty in Observance of the said Orders, and not carrying the Offenders before One or
more of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County, to be punished according to their Demerits. And upon read-
ing of a Presentment made unto this Court by the Grand Jury for this County, representing to this Court, That of late there
have been, and sell daily are, divers loose, idle, and disorderly Boys who wander about in several Streets and Passages within
the Weekly Bills of Mortality, in this County, under Pretence of cleaning Shooes, and with the Money they get thereby fre-
quently Game, using at their Games most bitter Oaths and Execrations, and that they humbly conceived them to be Vagrants,
and for the most part Thieves, or their Spies, and thereby very dangerous and prejudicial to his Majesty's Subjects, and a
Nusance likely to increase, if not timely prevented, and that they hoped this Court would make an Order for the redressing
[..] That several Persons Ride on

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