Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1717

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501610122

Image 122 of 12618th April 1717

To the Clerk of the Peace of & for the County of Middx or his Lawfull Deputy

Stephen Gallaway< no role > of the parish of St. Andrew Holborn in the County of Middlesex Doctor of
physick & Elizabeth Gallaway< no role > his wife In pursuance of a late act of parliament Intituled an act to Obliged
papists to Register their Names and Real Estates Do desire you or one of you to Register and Enter our name
and Estates in the severall Houses messuages or Tenemts. to here in after menconed in the Book or Books
Roll or Rolls by you in this behalf provider before the next Generall Quarter Sessions of the peace
to be held for the said County in the words & manner following Vizt.

A True Particular of several plots or pieces of ground with the Houses messuages as
Lands Tenemts & Hereditamts. there upon Erected of Stephen Gallaway< no role > of the parish of St. Andrew Holborne
in the County of Middlesex Doctor of physick and Elizabeth < no role > his wife Scituate and being in the Parish of
St. James Westmr. in the said County of middx and of our Estate and Interest therein That is to say

Four several plots or parcells of Ground with the four Severall Houses Messnages or Tenemts. there upon Erected
Scituate and being in pall mall Street in the parish of St. James Westmr. in the County of middlesex the same being as
herebefore Leased unto John Wincles< no role > by Stephen Galloway< no role > father of the said Doctor Gallaway for a Term of as
Eighteen year from Michaelmas which was in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven hundred and Fifteen
at the yearly Rent of Seventy pounds and which said Severall messuages or Tenemts. and premisses are in the
possession of Bartholomew Wimberly< no role > or his undertennants or Under Lessees All which the above mentioned
messuages or Tenements and premisses are Vested in Trustees for the Residue of two severall Termes
Twenty Nine years Comencing from the Feast of St. Michaell the arch angell which was in the year of our Lord God as
One Thousand Six hundred and ninety one and the other for Twenty years Comencing from the Expiracon of the
last menconed Term upon the Severall Trusts here in after mentioned That is to say Upon Trust in the first
place out of the Rents and profits of the same to pay unto the said Stephen Gallaway< no role > Twenty pounds a year
during the Joint Lives of them the said Stephen Gallaway & Elizabeth his wife free from Taxes And upon Trust
during their said Joint Lives to pay the Rest and Residue of the said profits to such person and persons as the as
said Elizabeth the wife shall by writing under her hand from time to time Direct and Appoint the same being
intended for the maintenance of the said Stephen Gallaway Elizabeth his wife and Edward < no role > their son wherewith
the said Stephen Gallaway is no otherwise to Intermeddle And upon this further Trust in Case the said Stephen
Gallaway shall dye in the Life time of the said Elizabeth his wife to pay the Rents and profits of the premisses
unto the said Elizabeth Gallaway< no role > during the residue of the said Termes she paying there out to their said Son
Edward the Sume of Twenty pounds a year free from Taxes (if he shall be then living) for and during the
Residue of the said Termes And upon this further Trust in Case the said Elizabeth Gallaway shall dye
in the life time of the said Stephen Gallaway her husband (living the said Edward their Son) to pay their said
Son the said Twenty pounds a year Tax free as aforsaid and to pay all the rest and residue to the said
Stephen Gallaway his Execrs. and admrs. for all the Rest and Residue of the said Termes which shall be
therein then to come and Unexpired for his and their own use and benefit the same being in mortgage for
Five hundred pounds. In Witness where of the said Stephen Gallaway & Elizabeth his wife have [..]
here unto Subscribed their names the Eighteenth day of April anno Dui One thousand Seven hundred and
Seventeen .

Stephen Gallaway< no role >
Eliz: Gallway< no role >

Signed in the presence of
Edwd Webb< no role >

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