Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1722

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502030064

Image 64 of 8216th May 1722


P adj: 16o. May 1722

Justices to meet as poor as pesikle in their Severall divisions
the give direccons to Constables, & Bidles, totake astake an account of
all parish [..] & otherdiffdisaffected persons as well Lodges
as housekeepers, & returne [..] their Names upon oath bench truee as & pla [..]
Justices in their respective division shalldirectappoint
on such Returnes the Justices to consider what persons we returned
[..] fitt to [..] once & to make there wentto the Constables
Sumer Such persons accordingly incerting their Names in Such
Sumon or in hight to annexed thereunto
when they appearethe Jon These Sumons the Justices to Sender
the oaths & to proceed to concive or agt such & refuse or
make defalt asset due Sumons, & to returne the Comiccons
the next Quarter Sessions

As to receiving them the Miles from Sender & Continuing them to
their Heliktions to pursue the acts of parliament recited
in the proclamation

To examine suchpersonsLodges who will appeare & a Speeke [..] asers, &
as tesreesons of theire resorting with this time

To direct the Constables to returne the Names of all victes
& keepers of Innes or other which houses, who utter convicts or disaffected
Psons to resort to theire houses, & then reflect upon the Governmt
in their Cower Conversation

To oblige all victuallers to take theLicensesoathes, before the
Licences are give out to them

To give particular direccons to the Constables to require after & returne
Names &all Pish Papists now in this Towne

To take Care that noe Money be paid or given by any person
who is Sumone or appeares to take the Oathes on this occasion

To order the Constables to take up all Seditions ballard SingetsLibelletsdisposen of Libeles & carry
them before ye next Justice

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