Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220194

Image 194 of 21627th December 1723

24 Nov. 1724

Itt Appeareth to this Court that the said Parish of saint John

Clerkenwell wasLatelyPart of ye Parish of Saint James Clerkenwell
untillEcamye Year 1723 when itt was in Pursuance of an Act of Parliament Made
in ye 10th Year of the Reign of her Late Matie Queen Anne Entitled An
Act [..] Erected into A New Parish by the Name of saint John Clerkenwell
That the Church Belonging to the sd. New Parish was Consoerated
Likewise On the 27th Day of Decr. in the sd. Year , and that by An
Instruments in Writeing on Parchment Under hands & Seales
of5 or Mare sixof ye Comes. Duely Appointed For Putting Execution the
Powers Given By the Sd. Act, and the said Former Act bearing Date
the 11th [..] Day of Decr. aforesd. And inrolled In his Maties High Court
of Chancery the, 16th Day of ye Same Month, the sd Comes Die Describe
And Ascertaine the Limits & Bounds of the Saite of & Belonging to
Such New ChurchAnd House for the [..] of the Minister
of Luch New Church And the Cermetery for [..] ch New Parish
And A [..]
the District And Division of the Parish Appointed for such New
Church And After the Inrollmt. of the Sd. Instrument & within one
Month after ye Consecration of sd. Church for the sd. New parish or
District ye sd. Com. [..] did Duely Nommate and Appoter Churchwardens overseer for the poor Scavergin & Survey on for ye. highway Parish Officers
For the sd. Parish of saint John Clerkenwell, That at Easter Last
Other the like Parish Officers wore Due by Elected for the sd. Parish for this
Present Year, & that the sd. Thomas Bradley< no role > And Samuel Jeacock< no role > were
duely Appointed Scavingers & Confirmed By two Justices of the Peace
For the sd. Parish of Saint John Clerkenwell for the Present Years
And That A Scavingers Rate For this Present Year for the sd.
Parish of saint John Clerkenwell was Made By the proper Officers And
Inhabitants of & for the same Parish and the sd. Rate was Allowed
And Confirmed by two Justice of the Peace within ye same Parish
it Further Appears to this Court that there has Not Yett Boon Any
Effectuall [..] & Perpetuall Division of ye sd. Parishes of

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