Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1728

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502490055

Image 55 of 8813th January 1728

Middx: ss.

Wee whose Names are subscribed two of his Majts. Justices
of the peace for the said County Inhabiting in the Parish of
Stepney within the Tower Division in the said County do hereby
Certifie that by Virtue of an Act of of Parliament made in the 2d. year
of the reign of our late Sovereign Lord and Lady King William and
Queen Mary Intituled an Act for paving and Cleansing the Street
in the Cities of London and Westminster and suburbs and Liberties
thereof and out Parishes in the County of Middx and in the Burrough
of Southwarke and other places within the weekly bills of Mortality
in the County of Surry and for regulating the markets therein
mentioned have viewed and Inspected a certain publick new
Street or way in the said Parish Leading out of Stepney towards
whitechapple Commonly known or called by the name of Beast
Lane als Bull Lane Containing in length from East to West
two hundred and eighty four foot or thereabouts and in breadth from
North to South twenty and two foot or thereabouts and do also
Certifie that the same is very bad and much out of repair and in
the Winter season almost Unpassable for his Majts. leige People
and Passengers travelling that way and doe adjudge that the same
ought to be paved and mended with Stone on both sides of the way
and that the several persons thereafter mentioned ought to pave
and amend the same in front so farr as each of their several
houses and buildings extendeth at their several and respective
Costs and Charges Vizt. on the North side of the said New Street
or way to the Middle thereof Sr: Thomas Roberts< no role > Barrt . in Length
twenty and eight feet Thomas Townsend< no role > fourty and two feet
Samll. Woodford< no role > andJohnson nineteen feet George
< no role > twenty and five feet Samll. Jones< no role > Esqr . eighty and six feet
and Edward Sweet< no role > Eightyfeet and on the south side of the
said new Street or way to the middle thereof James Smith< no role > in length
one hundred feet Jno. Guy< no role > thirty and two feet and Dove Rayner< no role >
one hundred fifty and two feet. In Wittness whereof wee
have hereunto sett our hands the 13th. day of January Anno
Dmi 1727 :

Steph: Martin Leake< no role >
Phil: Willshire< no role >

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