Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

August 1729

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502620006

Image 6 of 1524th June 1729

Middx ss:

Ad General Session pacis Dni Regis tent p Dom Middx
apnd Hicks hall in St. John Street in Com prd p adjorn
die Jovis Scilt vicesimo octavo die Augusti Anno regni
Dni Georgy Scdi nunc Regis magne Britannie Etc tertio
coram Willo Cowper< no role > Aro Willo Ogborne< no role > mil Reginaldo
< no role > Johe Ellis< no role > Franco Sorell< no role > Rico Newton< no role > Robto
< no role > Willo Bourdon< no role > Honorat Smith< no role > Armigeris & al
Socys Snis Justic dic Dni Regis ad pacem in Com prd
conservand necnon ad divers felon tusgr & al
malefacta in eodem Com p petrat audiend &
terminand assign Etc.

Whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the Second year
of the reign of his present Majestie King George the Second
touching the licensing Retailers of Brandy and other Distilled
liquors, and for better regulating of licences for common
Inns and alehouses, It is (inter al) Enacted That from and
after the twenty fourth day of June One thousand Seven hundred
and twenty nine no licence shall be granted to any person to
keep a comon Inn or alehouse or to retail any Brandy or Strong
waters, but at a General Meeting of the Justices of the peace acting
in the Division where the said person dwells to be holden for
that purpose on the first day of September Yearly or within
twenty days after or at any other General Meeting of the Said
Justices to be holden for the Division wherein the Said person
resides, and all licences which Shall after the Said twenty fourth
day of June One thousand seven hundred and twenty nine
be granted to the contrary thereof Shall be Null and void And
whereas It is intended that Generall Meetings Shall be holden
for the respective Divisions in this County by the Justices of the
peace residing therein for the granting of new licences not
only to Retailers of Brandy or Strong waters, but also to
Innkeepers and alehouse keepers in pursuance of the Said Act
of Parliament, Now for the preventing of any dispute which
may arise touching the fees payable on the granting of Such
licences It is ordered by this Court that the Same fees be paid

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