Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1747

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503820039

Image 39 of 1241st August 1747

To his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County
of Middlesex assembled at the General Quarter Session
of the Peace held in and for the said County.

The humble Petition & Appeal of Thomas Sewell< no role > of the Parish
of St. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middlesex Carman


That a Complaint was exhibited to Thomas Burdus< no role > Esqr . one
of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex against
your Petitioner by William Lake< no role > That your Petitioner upon the 22d: date of
July last past at the sd. Parish of St. Martin in the Fields in the City & Liberty
of Westminster did drive A Cart loaded with and Containing a Quantity of
Coals exceeding 8 Bushels to wit the Quantity of 20 Bushels from a place
Called Durham Yard in the Parish of St. Martin in the Fields aforesaid
within the said City & Liberty of Westminster the duty of 4d: by the
Chaldron not being paid & without your Petitioner's having any Paper
writing or Tickett signed by any Principal Land Coal Meter and
Counter signed by any Labouring Coal Meter who Attended to deliver
the said Coals & give such Paper Writing or Tickett therewith as is
directed by An Act of Parliament made in the 19th: Year of the Reign of
his present Majesty intitled An Act more Effectually to prevent the Frauds
& Abuses Committed in the Admeasurement of Coals within the City & Liberty
of Westminster & that part of the Dutchy of Lancaster adjoyning thereto
& the several Parishes of St. Giles in the Fields St. Mary LeBon & such
part of the Parish of St.. Andrew Holborn as lies in the County of Middlesex .

That the Matter of the sd. Complaint Came on to be heard before
the sd. Mr. Burdns on the 1st: day of August last past when the sd. Mr: Burdns
was pleased to give Judgement of Conviction against your Petitioner for the
said Offence And that your Petitioner should forfeit the Sum of five pounds
of lawful Money of Great Britain One Moiety thereof to the use of the sd.
William Lake< no role > & the other Moiety thereof to the use of the Poor of the
Parish of St. Martin in the Fields aforesd. where the sd. Offence was
Alledged of have been Committed

Wherefore and in Regard your Petitioner thinks himself
Aggreived by the sd. Judgement of Conviction given agt. him as aforesd.

J: Mackay Soll :
for the Appellant.

Your Petitioner therefore most humbly Appeals
from the sd. Judgement of Conviction to your Worships in
this present General Quarter Session of the Peace
Assembled (being the next General Quarter Session of
the Peace held for the County of Middlesex after the sd.
Conviction) And your Petitioner humbly prays that your
Worships will be pleased to reverse the sd. Judgement of
Conviction given agt. your Petitioner as aforesaid and
Acquit your Petitioner thereof And Also Award to your
Petitioner according to the Directions of the sd. Act of
Parliament such reasonable Costs to be paid by the sd.
William Lake< no role > upon whose Information Prosecution
the sd. Conviction was founded or made As to your
Worships in your Discretion shall seem meet

And your Petitioner (as in duty bound) shall Ever pray Etc.

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