Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

9th August 1747 - 11th January 1749

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503910093

Image 93 of 9420th August 1748


At the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the
King holden for the County of Middx at Hicks Hall in Saint John Street in the
County aforesd. by adjornment on Thursday the thirteenth Day of October in the
twenty Second year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second
King of Great Britain Etc before Thomas Lane< no role > Francis Hole< no role > John Lawton< no role >
Walter Berry< no role > Esquires and other their
Fellows Justices of our Said Lord the King assigned to keep the Peace in the County
aforesd. and also to hear & determine divers Felonys Trespasses & other Misdeeds
Committed in the Same County

Upon the humble Petition of the Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poor
of the Parish of St. Clement Danes in this County exhibited unto this Court Setting
forth that Mary Saunders< no role > Singlewoman a Vagrant not having a Settlement in
the Said Parish of St. Clement Danes was on the Twentieth Day of August last
delivered of a Female Bastard Child near Burleigh Street in the Strand in the
Said Parish of St. Clement Danes by means whereof the Inhabitants of the sd.
Parish were obliged necessarily to Expend the Sum of two pounds
for the Lyeing in and Maintenance of the Said Mary Saunders< no role > &
Child, And that in pursuance of are Act of Parliament made in the Seventeenth
year of his present Majestys Reign Intilled An Act to amend and make
more effectual the Laws relating to Regnes Vagabonds and other idle &
disorderly Persons and to Houses of Correction the Petitioners conveyed the
Said Mary Saunders< no role > to one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County
who Examined the Said Mary Saunders< no role > and Committed her to the House of
Correction pursuant to the Said Statute, And the Petitioners therefore praying
this Court will Order the Treasurer of this County to pay the Petitioners the Said
Sum of two poundsexpended by them
as aforesaid or Such other Sum of Money as this Court Shall adjudge a reasonable
Satisfaction, This Court uponhearing what was alledged concerning the
Premisses being Satisfied that the Substance of the Said Petition is true, Doth
Order that Mr. John Higgs< no role > Treasurer of this County do pay to the Churchwardens
or Overseers of the Poor of the Said Parish the Sum of two pounds
of lawfull Money of Great Britain which this Court doth
adjudge a reasonable Satisfaction for the Charges the Said Parish hath been put to
on Account of the Said Mary Saunders< no role > , And that their Receipt Shall be a
Sufficient Discharge to the Said Treasurer for Such Payment

By the Court

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