Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1749

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503940063

Image 63 of 757th April 1749

Town of Shrewsbury
in the County of Salop
to wit)

At the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our
Sovereign Lord the King held in the Guildhall of the Town of
Shrewsbury in and for the said Town and Libertieson Friday
(to wit) the Seventh Day of April in the Twenty second Year
of the Regin of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by th [..]
Grace of God King of Great Britain and so forth and in th [..]
Year of our Lord 1749 . Before William Ackis< no role > Esquire [..]
James Downes< no role > Esqr . Steward Henry Jenks< no role > and Jo [..]
Esquires his Majesty's Justices Assigned to keep the [..]
in the said Town and Liberties Trespasses and other Mis [..]
in the said Town and Liberties done and committed and
which are there to be heard and determined

112 to the ll

By Virtue of the Act of Parliament made in the third and fourth
Year of the Reign of the late Sovereign Lord and Lady King William
and Queen Mary Intituled An Act for the better repairing and damending
the Highways and far settling the Rates of Carriage of Goods, his
Majesty's Justices of the Peace Assembled at this Sessions in
Pursuance of the Power given them by the said Act have asses [..] and
rated the Price of all Land Carriage of Goods whatsoever to be brought
into this Town by any common Waggoner or Carrier at the Rates or
Prices following (to wit) the Carriage of every one Hundred Weight of
Goods (except money Place or Jewells) That shall be carried from
London to this Town not to exceed the Rate of Six Shillings and Six
Peace and so in Proportion far a greater or lesser Quantity above
twelve Pounds Weight And under twenty Pounds Weight one Shilling
and no more And it is Ordered by this Court That there Rates be sent
to the several Common Waggoners or Carriers carrying Goods from [..]
London to this Town and also be hung up in some Publick Place w [..]
this Town to which all Persons may resart far their Informa [..]
And that the common Waggoners and Carriers may not be ig [..]
of the Law They are to take notice That none of them are to tak [..]
the Carriage of such Goods and Merchandizes above the Rates and [..]
Prices hereby set upon Pain to for fiet far every such Offence the [..]
Sum of five Pounds to be levied as the Said Act directs to the Use of
the party grieved.

By the Court
Town clerk.

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