Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1787

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508210008

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To the Worshiful His Majestys Justices of the
peace for the County of Middlesex in their General
Quarter Session of the Peace assembled

The Humble Petition of William Snowden< no role >


That by a certain Record of Conviction
under the Hand and Seal of Humphrey Jackson< no role > Esqr:
one of his Majestys Justices of the peace in and for
the said County of Middlesex bearing date the 13th.
day of December now last past Stating "That
"after the Commencements of a certain Act of parliament
"made at a parliament of our Lord the King at a Session
"thereof Holden at Westminster in the twenty fifth year
"of his Reign Intitled An Act for Granting to
"his Majesty certain Stamp Duties on Licences to be
"taken out by persons Vending Gloves or Mittens
"and also Certain Duties on Gloves and Mittens Sold
"by Retail and after the first day of August in the
"year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
"Eighty five to wit on the twenty fifth day of October in
"the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
"Eighty six Your Petitioner not regarding the statute
"of our Lord the King nor fearing the Penalties
"therein contained did in the parish of Saint Johns
"Wapping and within the Jurisdiction of the said Justice
"Utter Vend and Expose to Sale and in consideration
"of the sum of One Shilling One Penny and One farthing
"did sell unto one Thomas Blogg< no role > of the Parish of
"Saint Georges Middlesex in the County of Middlesex

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