St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

17th April 1771 - 15th December 1775

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361000271

Image 271 of 27922nd September 1775

Parish of Saint
Clement Danes}

At a Meeting of the Committee for Paving Elected
and appointed pursuant to an Act of Parliament
in the Vestry Room of Saint Clement Danes the
22d. day of September 1775

PresentMr. Vaughanin the Chair
Mr. JonesMr. Roberts
Mr. NelsonMr. Burnthwaite

Mr Rainforth

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed

Mr. Elliston Mr. Doughlass and Mr. Farmer Inhabitants of Great
Shire Lane applying and Stating that a Nusance frequently
happens there by the Flat Pavement not being carried so near to
little Shire Lane as it should be Ordered that it be referred to
Mr. Vaughan Mr Roberts and Mr. Jones to view the same and Report
at the next Meeting

Resolved as the Unanimous Opinion of this Committee
that Lamps be immediately Elected in Serles Court and that this
Committee will view that place tomorrow at nine o' Clock

Mr. Nixon the Inspector being Sworn returns that there
are two bad Stones before Mr. Sturges' door in Clare Market and that
a little Repair is wanting in the Carriage way of Saint Clements Lane Ordered
that the said Repairs be done

Great Complaints being made of the Lamps being badly
lighted Ordered that the Contractor have notice & that he
attend at the next Meeting

Adjourned to the 6th. October next
at six o' Clock

Geo: Vaughan< no role >

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