St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

4th December 1789 - 2nd February 1798

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361010144

Image 144 of 28710th April 1794

Saint Clement
At a Meeting of the Committee
Elected and appointed pursuant to
the Act of Parliament for better Paving
Cleansing and Lighting this Parish Etc
held in the Vestry Room on Thursday
the 10th day of April 1794

Present{ Mr Burnthwaitein the Chair
Mr. RustMr. Perris
Mr. WingroveMr Prince
Mr PenningtonMr. Rosier
Mr NurseMr. Johnson

The Minutes of the last meeting Read
and Confirmed

Read the returns of the Inspectors of Paving
and Lamps

In Pursuance of the Statute this Committee met
made and signed a Rate or assessment of Eight Pence
in the Pound throughout the whole Parish or District
under this Committee Jurisdiction from Lady day [..]
for One Year then next ensuing And an Additional
Rate in the Optional Streets or Places called
Arundel, Surrey Blackmore Clare Stanhope, Vere
and Peter Streets at Six Pence in the Pound
On Cecil and Holiwell Streets at Nine Pence
Butcher Row at Ten Pence, Wych Street at One
Shilling and Norfolk Street & Three Pence for
and during the same time, And a Rate
for Churches Etc at Six Pence for Square Yard for and
during the same time

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