St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

23rd December 1760 - 14th September 1767

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362020070

Image 70 of 3971st May 1762

St. Clemt. Danes 1st. May 1762

Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church on
Sunday 25th: day of April 1762 to Choose 24 Persons
of this Parish to be Commissioners for the Purposes
mentioned in an Act of Parliament made in the 23d. Year
of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the
Second Intituled an Act for the more Easy and Speedy
Recovery of small Debts in the City and Liberty of
Westminister and that part of the Dutchy of Lancaster
which adjoineth thereto


Mr. John Prince< no role > Chwdn

Mr. Thos. Figg< no role >
Mr. Wm.. Williams< no role >
Mr. Jno. Farrer< no role >
Mr. Lancelot Burton< no role > }Overseers

Mr. Wm.. Bird< no role >
Mr. Thos. Warford< no role >
Mr. Thos. Heath< no role >

Resolved and Agreed that the Underwritten Persons
be Commissioners for the purposes aforesaid for the
Year ensuing

Barth: Hammond< no role > Esqr .Mr. John Martin< no role > Taylor
Mr. Thos. Heath< no role > Mathem & Instrumt makerMr. Thos. Warford< no role > Perukemr .
Mr. Philip Poole< no role > Combmaker Mr. Rd. Stiles< no role > Cordwainer
Mr. Wm.. Bird< no role > HardwaremanMr. Peter May< no role > Baker
Mr. Wm.. Willmott< no role > Hosier Mr. Richd. Mashall< no role > Bricklayer
Mr. Wm.. Kitchenor< no role > WharfingerMr. Joel. Miles< no role > Painter
Mr. Anth: Wilkinson< no role > Shopkeeper Mr. John Carpue< no role > Glazier
Mr. Robt. WimberleyTurner< no role > Mr. John Ponten< no role > Halmaker
Mr. Geo: Westron< no role > Hosier Mr. Wm.. Seager< no role > Grocer
Mr. Jos: Burnthwaite< no role > Linnendraper Alxr. Allan< no role > Washendraper
Mr John Prince< no role > Carpenter Mr Saml. Parry< no role > Turner
Mr. Wm.. Williams< no role > Linnendraper Mr. Jno. Farrer< no role > [..]

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