St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

15th May 1790 - 19th December 1792

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAEP103010121

Image 121 of 13415th November 1792

Middlesex ss.

Mary Downing< no role > Singlewoman maketh
Oath that about Twenty Years ago she was
hired and lived as a hired Servant by the
Year with Mr. Martin of Little St. Martins
Lane in the Parish of St. Martin in the
Fields in the City & Liberty of Westminster
Victualler, at the yearly Wages of Five
Pounds and continued in such Service
under such hiring upwards of Nineteen
Months that she has not since she quitted
his Service lived as a hired Servant by
the Year with any other Person in any
other Parish or Place for the space of
One Year together or done any Act to
her knowledge or Belief to gain a
Subsequent settlement and that she
never was Married

Sworn this 15th. Day
of Novr. 1792 before
RDavies H:Reynell

Mary [mark] Downing< no role >

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