<div1 type="BA_MVpage" id="GLBAMV11300MV113000344"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLBAMV113000344"></xptr>
<p n="1329">Ordered that a List of the Commemoration Sermons be we<obscured></obscured>
fair upon Parchment to be put into a Frame & hung up in the<lb></lb>
Vestry with the times the same are to be preached & the Sum<obscured></obscured>
be paid for preaching the<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
and the Parish Clerk is hereby O<obscured></obscured>
to give Notice from be Desk when any such Sermon is to be preached the<lb></lb>
Sunday next before, and that the Churchwardens pay for the<lb></lb>
according to the respective Donations as the<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
be preached</p>
<p n="1330">Mr. Deputy Pycroft now acquainted this Vestry that at a<obscured></obscured>
of the Trustees for Rebuilding the Church It was Resolved that<lb></lb>
Application should be made to this Vestry to appropriate som<obscured></obscured>
the Parish Revenues & in Particular the Bell and Burial<obscured></obscured>
And that a Fund be established as a Security to any Person or<lb></lb>
Persons who shall be willing to lend or advance money<lb></lb>
the Discharging the Debts incurred by the said Trustees by<lb></lb>
means of the Rebuilding the said Church amounting to the<obscured></obscured>
of Three Hundred and Sixty Pounds Now upon the Que<obscured></obscured>
being Put for appropriating and establishing the Money a<obscured></obscured>
by and the Dues and Fees to be paid and payable to this<lb></lb>
for and on Account of the Funerals and Bells rung at or<obscured></obscured>
of Funerals for discharging those Debts It was carried in the Affirmative Nemine<obscured></obscured>
dicente Whereupon It is Resolved and Agreed That for rains<obscured></obscured>
Paying the said Sum of Three Hundred and Sixty Pounds of<lb></lb>
the Money Dues and Fees which shall arise & be & growd<lb></lb>
payable to this Parish on Account of the Burials and<obscured></obscured>
as aforesaid shall be appropriated and established as a Fund for the purposes aforesaid and be paid into the hands of Mr. <rs type="occupation" id="GLBAMV11300_occ491">Deputy</rs>
<interp inst="GLBAMV11300_occ491" type="occupation" value="Deputy"></interp>
<join result="persNameOccupation" id="GLBAMV11300_persocc491" targOrder="Y" targets="GLBAMV11300_n1330-1 GLBAMV11300_occ491"></join>
<rs type="persName" id="GLBAMV11300_n1330-1">Robert<lb></lb>
<interp inst="GLBAMV11300_n1330-1" type="given" value="Robert"></interp>
<interp inst="GLBAMV11300_n1330-1" type="surname" value="Pycroft"></interp>
<interp inst="GLBAMV11300_n1330-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
Cello is hereby appointed Treasurer for this Purpose<lb></lb>
authorized to discharge such Persons from the same of when<lb></lb>
shall receive it to be by by him paid and applied for and<obscured></obscured>
Payment and Satisfaction of all such Sum & Sums of on<obscured></obscured>
as shall be lont by any Person or Persons to this Parish &<obscured></obscured>
the hands of the said Mr. Deputy Pycroft for the Payment and</p>

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