St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

14th April 1766 - 17th February 1804

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMV114020129

Image 129 of 6528th February 1771

Ordered that it be referred to the Workhouse Committee to [..]
into the late Act of Parliament made relative to Bread & wh [..]
to take place on the 29th. Instant & to make it as useful [..]
beneficial to this Parish and the Poor thereof as possible

Ordered that Notice be Sent to the Workhouse Committee from
time to time when the Churchwardens Accounts are to be Act
And that the Inhabitants of this Parish have Notice or
printed Summonses sent to them When a Vestry is to be con [..]

Ordered that two Shillings a Week be allowed by the
Churchwarden to Mr Whitbread Vokins the late Master of the
Workhouse in lieu of the £15 per Annum now & for some
since paid to him

Recommended to the Committee that they endeavor
obtain the usual discount of Eighteen Pence in the pa [..]
upon the last Baker's Bill or Account for Bread, if not seth [..]

Ordered that Application be made to the Alderman to
appoint a time for having the Persons deficient on the
Poors Rates summoned before him And that Warrants
Distress be made out and executed against such as an
proper Objects-And that the Churchwardens and
Parish Officer be Indemnified by the Parish

This Vestry ascertained the Sum of Eight hundred
Forty Pounds to be assessed within the Limits of this Par [..]
for the relief and Employment of the Poor of this Parish for
13 Weeks from the 5th. day of July last

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