<div1 type="DB_PPpage" id="GLDBPP30700PP307000388"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLDBPP307000388"></xptr>
<p n="1370">£ s d<lb></lb>
Brought Over4.18.6<lb></lb>
Nov 27 An City MixtureMrs. Parr..2 9.<lb></lb>
A Pang. Dt...1 6<lb></lb>
28 Do...1 6<lb></lb>
The Oligus Mixture Rep:..2 9<lb></lb>
29 The Dt. Rep...1 6<lb></lb>
30 Do...1 6<lb></lb>
A Large Ceph: Mixture..2 9<lb></lb>
Dec 1 The Oily Mixture Rep:..2 9<lb></lb>
A Pareg Dt...1 6<lb></lb>
2 Do...1 6<lb></lb>
3 Do...1 6<lb></lb>
The Large Oily Mixture Rep:..2 9<lb></lb>
4 Two Lord: Bolud'sMrs. Fair brother ..2 8<lb></lb>
A Cord: Julep:..2 3<lb></lb>
The Boluds Rep:..2 8<lb></lb>
The Julep: Rep...2 3.<lb></lb>
8 Two Alexepharmick Dts...2 8<lb></lb>
Do:..2 8<lb></lb>
A Solutive Elutuary:Mrs. Parr..2 10<lb></lb>
12 A Bals: ElectMrs. Fair brother..2 8<lb></lb>
R Pint Cord:..2 3<lb></lb>
a Blister for the Neck..1 6<lb></lb>
The Cord: Rep: A Pint..2 3<lb></lb>
13 Two Duntick Powders..2..<lb></lb>
A Pang: Dt...1 6<lb></lb>
14 Do...1 6<lb></lb>
16 Do:..1 6<lb></lb>
A Large Cord Mixture..2 9<lb></lb>
17 Do...2 9<lb></lb>
Plaisters for the Feet..3..<lb></lb>
Cerate for the Visucatory..1..<lb></lb>
21 Strong thening plaistr. for the Ankels..2 6<lb></lb>
A Cord. Julep:..2 4<lb></lb>
Tho Bals: Elret: Rep:..2 8<lb></lb>
The Cord: Rep:..2 4<lb></lb>
Jan: 27 A Rhubarb Dt:Mrs: Parr..1 6<lb></lb>
A Cord: Mixture.. 2 6<lb></lb>
29 A Bals: Electuary..2 8<lb></lb>
A Pretoral Direction A Pint..2 10<lb></lb>
Do:..2 10<lb></lb>
Feb. 25 Ceph. Pills/18 Doses Mrs. Fratman..2 2<lb></lb>
A Cord Juleb..2 3<lb></lb>
March 9 Do:..2 3<lb></lb>
The Pills repeated4 4<lb></lb>
Mr. Weed£9..16 5</p>
<p n="1371"> <obscured></obscured>

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