St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

7th May 1727 - 1st June 1748

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307000389

Image 389 of 138229th March 1732

1731/2 The Parish of St. Dionis BackChurch
For Poor Dr: to Cha Morris.

March 29 A Cathartick Dt:Mrs. Pool..1 8
Ointment of marsh mallows.. ..10
The Cathartick Dt. Repeated:..1 8
Apll. 4 A Cordial Julep:Mrs. Brown..2 3
A Balsamick Electuary..3..
The Cord: Rep:..2 3
An Emetick Powder..1 6
7 A Cath: Dt:Mrs. Pool..1 8
A Preparation Pill..1..
May 20 A Rhubarb Dt:Mrs. Headman..1 8
23 A Spiritous EmbrocationMrs: Adams..1 10
Oct. 8 A Blister for the neckMrs. Pool..1 6
Two Cordial Bolus's..2 8
Do: Julep:..2 4
9 Do...2 4
Do:..2 4
Three Cord: Bolus's And draughts..4 6
A Cephalick Elixer:..1 6
10 Three Ceph. Dts. And Bolsses..4 6
11 A Cord. Mixture..2 6
A Paregorick Dt:..1 6
12 A Rhubarb Bolus..1 6
Two Cord. Dts...2 8
13 The Pareg: Dt: Rep:..1 6
14 A Rhubarb Bolus..1 6
Two Cord: Dts..2 8
Cerate for the Visicatory:..1..
15 The Dr Pareg: Dt...1 6
16 Do:..1 6
17 The Rhubarb bolus Rep...1 6
The Pareg: Dt:..1 6
18 Do:..1 6
21 Do:Mrs. Lamb..1 6
An Oily Mixture..2 8
22 The Pareg: Dt: Rep:..1 6
23 Do:..1 6
The Oily Mixt: Rep:..2 8
27 The Rhubarb Bolus Rep: Mrs: Pool..1 6
A Cord: Dt:..1 6
Three Beacartick Powders: Chd:..2 6
A Cord: Julep:..1 10
28 Three Ceph: Bolus'sMrs...3..
Do. two Dts:..2 8
29 Do...1 4
Do: Bolus Rep:..1 6
Nov 11 A Cath: Dt:Mrs. Brown..1 8
A Bals: Elretuary:..3 4
A Large Cord: Julep:..2 3
Do:..2 3

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