St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

7th May 1727 - 1st June 1748

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307000420

Image 420 of 13827th December 1732

Work done for the Parish Clock of St diones
Back church from Lady day to midsummer

£ S D

for Cleaning of the Clock1-0-0
for Makeing of a hundred and 4 nuts
for new Wireing of itt0-15-0
for a new Spring to one of ye hammers 0-5-0
for mending two of the hammers0-5-0
for Looking A for itt and Winding of itt up 2-10-0

for looking ye clock &
chimes another quarter}2.10.0


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