<div1 type="DB_PPpage" id="GLDBPP30700PP307000764"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLDBPP307000764"></xptr>
<p n="2697">Wee Do Agree to perform the several Works in the within<lb></lb>
Survey in a good & workman like manner & with good and<lb></lb>
Sound Materials For the Sum: of Thirty Eight Pounds<lb></lb>
ten Shillings. Witness our Hands the Day of August 1738</p>
<p n="2698">Witness<lb></lb>
Pay'd in full<lb></lb>
in to 25 £38:10:-</p>
<p n="2699">Antho Chapman<lb></lb>
Jasper Horne</p>
<p n="2700">No 17</p>

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