<div1 type="DB_PPpage" id="GLDBPP30700PP307000766"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLDBPP307000766"></xptr>
<p n="2704"> <note type="authorial" place="margin"> <rs type="date" id="GLDBPP30700_date377">1738<lb></lb>
Augt 25</rs>
<interp inst="GLDBPP30700_date377" type="date" value="17380825"></interp>
Carpentery work Done octt Mr Harisons a tobacaing<lb></lb>
In fill potlain upon the parish a Courts<lb></lb>
By An the Chapman</p>
<p n="2705"> <lb></lb>
£ S D<lb></lb>
taking out part of a girder and putting<lb></lb>
in a new; is to the Ese and Wast of 1 Show<lb></lb>
and Bare 20 ft long 9 by 5 or 2½ Prft0-4-2<lb></lb>
3 fur wedges 9s 2 men ¾ day Each 4s0d0-4-9<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">26</note>
A peice of furfer Ditto 11 ft 6 long<lb></lb>
15 by 12 Cube 13 ft and a half a 2s Pd}1-7-0<lb></lb>
2 men 1 day Each0-5-4<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">28</note>
2 men 1 day Each 2 men ¼ day Each ¼0-6 -8<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">29</note>
1 ft of oak 5 by 40-0-5<lb></lb>
1 pair of oak wedges 2 ft long 13 Inches<lb></lb>
wide 3 Puches thick}0-2-6<lb></lb>
making good the pertition on the<lb></lb>
Girder 20 ft of fur 4 by 3 or 2d0-3-4<lb></lb>
4 ft of fir 5 by 4 a 3½d0-1-2<lb></lb>
½ or 20d ½ & 10d 1s Pd ½ & 4d brads 2d0-1-2<lb></lb>
2 men ¾ Day Each0-4-0<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">30</note>
12 ft of fur 6 by 2 a 2d0-2-0<lb></lb>
4 Spikes 6d0-0-6<lb></lb>
To wedying up the I am of the Chirner<lb></lb>
2 ft duble Deal 6d 1 pair fur wedges 6d<lb></lb>
¼ day a man 8}0-1-8<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">Sept 4d 9</note>
to the Shore under the Girder in the<lb></lb>
Celler 6 ft of fur 9 by 5a 7d <obscured></obscured>
2 ft of oak for a bace 10 by 4 a 10d0-1-8<lb></lb>
1 Pair of oak Wedges0-1-2<lb></lb>
2 men ¼ day Each0-1-4<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">13</note>
to the Sink whole Dent panniel<lb></lb>
3 ft 4 by of ft 6 wickhis 8 ft 4 Superf: of<lb></lb>
Rate a 4d Prof}0-2-9<lb></lb>
4 ft of fur 4 by 3 a 2d0-0-8<lb></lb>
4 ft of to whole Deal0-0-8<lb></lb>
½ & 20d ¼ & to<obscured></obscured>
10d ¾ day a man 2s0d 0-2-10<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">16</note>
6 ten Great nail 3d ½ day a man 2s/4d0-1-7<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">Oct ye 3</note>
To making Good the Celler Floor where<lb></lb>
the Bare for the Shore Wal for the<lb></lb>
Girder 14 ft Supert of whole deal<lb></lb>
a 2½d per ft}0-2-11<lb></lb>
3 ft Single gr 3¼d & 20d ¼ & 10d nail 6d<lb></lb>
¾ day a man 2/0}0-2-9<lb></lb>
alowe for a Old Shoor0-3-0<lb></lb>

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