<div1 type="DB_PPpage" id="GLDBPP30700PP307000993"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLDBPP307000993"></xptr>
<p n="3401">Smith worke Done, for ye Parish of St Dionis</p>
<p n="3402">£ S D<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">June 22d</note>
for to being Down ye Branch iron00:02=0<lb></lb>
for takeing Down ye rods & pillers0=1=0<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">July 3d</note>
for twelve hole fasts0=3=0<lb></lb>
for mendg. & having Six Casts0=6=0<lb></lb>
for a horn to ye Vanicorn0=1=0<lb></lb>
for takeing ye Sword iron to peices0=0=6<lb></lb>
for a Large Box Staple & Touching0=1=4<lb></lb>
for a plate & Loops for ye Brace of ye Dore 0=1=0<lb></lb>
for fasting ye Barrs in ye window with Lead0=2=6<lb></lb>
for makeing a iron to hang ye Chaine too<del>0:0:0</del>
: & fixing. & to being it Down0:3:0<lb></lb>
for twelve hole fasts 18 Inches each0=9=0<lb></lb>
for mend.g a Leader0=0=6<lb></lb>
for mendg ye hatt irons & 4 pins & Screws0=2=6<lb></lb>
for two new Chanes to ye Scouches 67 foot=3 Inches of 1:44=9=8<lb></lb>
for mendg. ye iron Branch in ye Balfrg & Line0=1=6<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">Seper 20th</note>
for a new pulley frame to ye font0=1=0<lb></lb>
for Clost nailes0=0=2.<lb></lb>
for three Braces & 4 Staples to ye Kings Armes 0=5=0<lb></lb>
for a round Boult & 3 Staples0=1=0<lb></lb>
for opeing ye westrey Dove0=0=4<lb></lb>
for to being of ye Dores of ye Communion Table0=0:16<lb></lb>
<p n="3403">Back Church. by Wm. Coomes</p>
<p n="3404">£ S D<lb></lb>
for aunt & Screw to ye Sword iron & warding ye Arnes 0=1=6<lb></lb>
for mendg. & Cleaning 49 pew Locks & 8d 61=4=6<lb></lb>
for 2d<obscured></obscured>
of nuts & Screws ploter0=3=0<lb></lb>
for 4 Collerd hooks & 2 hinges<obscured></obscured>
16at ye½0=6=0<lb></lb>
for a Long Boult & 5 Stop les0=2=4.<lb></lb>
for a Stay & Stoper & fixing ye toble of Dues0=1=6<lb></lb>
for fixing ye pillers in ye organ Left & 2d Dozens of Screws. 0=2=6<lb></lb>
for a Large Bracket to ye font & fixing2=10=0<lb></lb>
for two Curtin rods foot 10=6 and two Pillers & fixing 0=8=6.<lb></lb>
for Easeing ye Gate0=0=6.<lb></lb>
for nine pew kees0=4=6.<lb></lb>
for one kee to ye Hack0=1=0<lb></lb>
for 2 Spikes to ye hack & mendg0=1=6.<lb></lb>
for a Boult to ye Communion Tabel Dores0=1=6<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">Nover 15</note>
for a water Barr to ye Vestery0=2=0<lb></lb>
for a hook to ye Lanthorn0=0=2<lb></lb>
for one pew kee & puting a Bitt in a kee0=0=9<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">1740</note>
for two pew Locks0=3=0<lb></lb>
<p n="3405">Received Old iron at C1:B1:£12 at 1d ye<obscured></obscured>
5 02=1<lb></lb>
total £11=14.7</p>
<p n="3406">£11.14.7<lb></lb>
<p n="3407">Ex<lb></lb>
P Geo: Dance</p>

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