St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

7th May 1727 - 1st June 1748

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307000994

Image 994 of 138231st April 1741


Masons Work Done at St: Diana Bagg Church
Pr Wm Cooley

£ S D
To 2 Pieces of Portland for window Soib 1:0:-
To 2 Peices of Portland Architrave : :14:-
To 2 Masons and one labourer one Day Each -:8:-
To 2 Lods of Morter-:1:-
To Carrying of Some Rubbish Away:1:-
To 2 Masons one Day Cutting of
Stone away at the [..] ter}-:6:-
Payd for 2 Loads of Ye pound to Raise ye Paving:2:-
To 2 Labourer ¾ Day Each Carrying
of the Ground into the Church Yard}:3:-
To 482 ft: of New Purbick paving
Laid in Courses EtcP 7d:1s} 15:1:3
To 834 ft: of Old New Fitted & Laid in Do: Pr 2s 6:19:-
To 2 Labourers 2 Days Each Bringing
of Ground into the Church}0:8:-
To 2 ft: of new ChannellP 1s:2:-
To 73 ft: of Purbick Step Pr 20d6:1:8
To 4 Leads of Old Stones & Rubblish Carryd Away:8:-

ded. 3s. 10d

To 7 ft: of Black Marble Step Laid:7:8

ded 10s.1d

To 65 ft: of Marble Paving New Laid Pr 6 1:12:6
To one New white Marble Sqr and Two Black:7:6
To 5 ft. of Old purbick Step Set0:1:8
To 4 Marble Grave Stone Taken up & Laid2:0:-
To Pollishing the Monuments14:14:-
To 2 Masons one Day Fitting of Stones into
the wholes where the Standards of the Scaffording
Carried over£51:4:3


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