St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

7th May 1727 - 1st June 1748

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307001028

Image 1028 of 13821st June 1742

15 A Cathartick Potion P Mrs. Shallard-2.
18 A Cathartick Potion P Suck: Stateman-1
The antiscorbutick Liniment P Dtto-2
21 The Purgeing [..] Pills P Richd. Roberts-1
Dtto. Pills P Richrd. Roberts wife-1
24 Dtto Pills p Self-1
Dtto. P wife Repeated-1


16 A Large Balsumick Linetors P: R: Hutchinson-2 6
A Cathartick Potion P Dtto-2
Feb: 24 A Large Balsumick mixture P Braban 2
A Bottle of Stomatick Drops P Dtto1 8.
The anodine PillsP Ditto- 1
28 A Large Balsamick mixture p dtto-2
The anodine Pills Repeated1


4 Six Doses. Ditto Pills1 6.
5 A Bottle of Stomatick Drops- 1.8
9 Leeches [..] P dtto1 6.
10 A Large Cordial Balsamick mixture3
Six anodine Pills1 6
18 Dtto. No. [..] 1 6
Liquorise Root4.
24 The Balsamick Mixture Reptd2
Four anodine Pill1
30 A Large Cordial Balsamick mixture 3
Liquorise Root6


6 A Large Cordial asthmatick mixture2
Best Spt. of: Hartshorn1
Liquorise Root6.
7 A Cathartick Potion P Suckey Stateman 1
15 A Large Cordial Julap: P Mr Braban2
17 A Larger Julap P Dtto2 6
A Cathartick: Tincture P Dtto. wife2.
21 A Cordial Julap: P Dtto2 6.
24 Dtto. Julap2 6
A Cathartick Tincture P Dtto4
26 A Large Cordial Julap- 2 6.
Liquorise Root2


1 The Large Cordial Julap Repeated-2 6
29 Flower of Brimstone P Mr. Yatesley- 2
8 2 2

Reced ye Content P
June ye 1st. 1742 Jno: Vale

No. 51

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