St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

7th May 1727 - 1st June 1748

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307001350

Image 1350 of 138229th September 1746


Mr. Anthy. Chapman Church Warden of St.
Dionias Back Church Dr. To John Cooper< no role >

To a Quarters Salery for Sexton Due 29th Septr. £2-0-0
To Ditto Blow belows to the Organ0-15-0
Pd. with the poors bread0-14-0
Mops brooms and brushes0-10-0
Dusting Cloths0-2-0
Soape and Sand0-1-0
Dusting yr. branches & brasses to yr. Organ Loft0-2-6
Oyle for the bells0-1-6
Trouble with Dratons Child which had yr. Small Pox 0-1-0
Trouble with Ann Johnson< no role > to the hospitall
Ditto with Edmah Rodley
To Gitting Mary fordams Things out of pan0-1-0
Trouble wth. Mary Pillips at yr. hospitall0-1-0
Trouble with Ditto at the Lock at Kings Land
and Coach hire} 0-2-0
Harts horn Drops for the Vastery0-0-3
To Splicing the 8 [..] Ball Roape0-0-6


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