St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

7th May 1727 - 1st June 1748

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307001361

Image 1361 of 138223rd April 1747

May ye 7

Plumbers Work done att the Parish of


St Dionis Back Church P Cha: Ball
To the Parish Mark put up in Philpot

£ s d

Lane Leaded nailes and work00:6:0

July ye 19

To New Lead to weather cock w [..] 0:3:22 att 2d Pr to 00:17:8
To Leaded nailes00:2:0
To work 2 men00:4:0

Augt ye 2

To Sother £9 att 9s £00:6:9
To Leaded nailes att00:2:0
To work 2 men00:4:0

ye 30

To work 2 men ½ a day to mending the
To Sother usd £0:1s:3d att 9s Pr £01:2:3
To Coals and Candles01:1:6
To Work 2 Men and nailes00:5:6

ye 31

To Sother wt £0:1s:16d att 9s Pr £1:13:0
To a day 2 men to mend the Leads0:6:00
To work to Clean the gutters0:2:6

July ye 19

Received old Lead from of
the weather cock wt £0:1s:11d att 14s pr 0:4:10½
Received Cuttings wt 0:1:27 att 14 Pr 0:6:0½

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