St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

7th May 1727 - 1st June 1748

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307001365

Image 1365 of 138214th May 1746

Mr. Church Warden Chapman. Dr


To one years allowance ad Vestry Clerk
for attending & taking Minutes of Vestry
Entring orders at Large making out the Books
of the Poors Rate & Duplicate Entring
Church Wardene Accounts & Keeping abstract of
Parish Deeds and Writings and Book of
Parishoners distinguishing when they first
came in the Parish and when served or fined
for Ward and Parish Offices8..0..0
making out [..] Books for the Church
Rate and Duplicate and several Attendances
at the Comone to gett the same Confirmed
Paid for Confirming Rate0..8..4

11 Decemr.

Drawing Church Wardens and Overseers
Certificate of William Maylns being an
Inhabitant of this Parish and affidavit of
the due Execution thereof, Drawing the
Justices Certificate and attending to make
the affidavit & gett the Certificate duely


Paid the Justices Clerks0..2..0

Febry 17.

The Same for Mary Purnell0..5..10

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