St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

28th March 1683 - 15th October 1729

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307010240

Image 240 of 83516th April 1707

[..] And in the Second yeare of the Reigne of [..]
for of of the Fifth St. Betweene Lionell Daftford [..]
[..] behalf for the Parrish of St. Dionyo Backchurch London of [..]
[..] eth that the said Twckfield for and in consideracon of the
[..] of the said Benjamine Pattman< no role > his Executors admnstractors
[..] and by these presents doe demiss grannt and to farnsh Lett.
[..] by estimacon Two Acrco and three Quarto or there about now in
[..] in the said County of Hertford together with all wayes
[..] which said peece or parreh of Weadow ground and.
[..] ing to Richard Searle< no role > of Mr Eveese and alwayes reserved out
[..] ch all Woove under Woods timber and trees Finding growing
[..] Gave and to hold the said peece or parcell of Wleadon
[..] mine Pattman his executors adminstrators and assigned from
[..] entie yeares from theme new Ensueing and fully to bee compleate
[..] wardens of the said Parrish of St. Dionys Backchurch London
[..] full Money of England at two feast dayes or termes in the
[..] gett by even and equall porcons And the said
[..] rannt to and with the said Twestees parties to the St
[..] nnine Pattman his executors administrators or assignees or
[..] Dione Backchurch for the time being for and in respect of the
[..] onnds of Lawfull Money of England At the said Two seales
[..] either of said feale dayes by even and equall porcons
[..] his or their owne proper colts and charged shall and will
[..] teepe the heoges vitches gates and fences belonging to
[..] day To within three Moneths next after warning to bee given
[..] fences thereunto belonging or to bee belonging soe well
[..] minacon of this present demise and Sease which shall
be And that it shall and may bee Lawfull aswell to and
St. Dionys Backchurch London for the time being or either of
[..] convenient times to enter and come into and opon the
[..] of the repaired thereof and of all the defaults and want
[..] dwelling house of the said Benjamine Pattman< no role > Scituate in
[..] within the space of three Monetho then next Ensueing
[..] in the said tearme of One and Twentie yeares
part thereof Then hee the said Benjamine Pattman his
[..] dens of the said Parrish of St: Dionys Backchurch London
[..] within the said tearme of this Sease eazed plonged or conver
[..] ds of Lawfull Money of England at the said two featls
[..] 8 an Increase of Dent for the same over and about the
[..] earely And of Six pounds or any part thereof to bee behinds
[..] payment thereof about menconed wherein the same ought
[..] thereof about expressed) That then and from themeforth
[..] or such person or persons in their behalfe as shall bee there unto
[..] same to have againe reseyne repossess and Enjoy as in
[..] the premisses there out and from theme otterly to expenll

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