St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

28th March 1683 - 15th October 1729

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307010689

Image 689 of 8355th June 1726

Mr Hubbert Church Warden
of St. Dionis Backchurch Dr
To Fran Walford< no role >
£ s d
May 28 To a Quarts of Tent0:8:0
June 5: To 1 Quart to Tent0:4:0
July 2: To 1 Quart to Tent-:4:-
Augst 6: To 3 pints of Tent-:6:-
Sept. 3 To 3 pints of Tent-:6:-
Octr 1: To 3 Pints of Tent-:6:0
Novr. 6: To 3 pints of Tent-:6:-
Decmbr 3: To 3 pints of Tent-:6:-
24: To 3 Quarts of Tent-:12:-
31: To 1 Quart of Tent -:4:-
Feb 4: To 3 pints of Tent-:6:-
March 4: To 3 pints of Tent:4:-
April 1: To 3 Quarts of Tent-:12:-

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