City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1789 - 30th December 1789

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650020145

Image 145 of 101918th February 1789

Information of Witnesses taken
at the parish of
Saint Bololph Bishopsgate in the Ward
of Broad Street the 18th. day of February 1789 on
view of the Body of Alexander Shairp< no role > now here
lying deced.

William Lucas< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. of old Broad Street London Surgeon
maketh oath that yesterday of little past 12 at noon
Dept. may called on in a great hurry to go to the deceds. Mr
Shairps house whither he accordingly went and found the
deced. lying on [..] Couch in a back room and a Green
laying by his side. Dept. aforesaid a considerable wound on the
right side of the deceds. headwhich hadand that Scull much that wood; that the
Wound appeared to have been occasioned by a [..] bullet or
fall, that the deced. was the alive examined so for
about [..] half an hour when he died. That his death was
certainly occasioned by the Wound be premd.

Sworn the 18th day of
February 1789 before me}

T Shelton Corr.

Wm Lucas< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.

David Orme< no role > of Great Saint Helen's
Bishopgate Street Dr: of Physic maketh oath that
he last known the deced. many years past, that his mind
has been much agitated that has been [..] in a
melancholy state of mind for warly purpose monthly past
& more particularly so lately in so much that his memory
& culture were much impaired Dept says [..] the
deced laboured under a melancholy mian city.

Sworn the 18th day of
February 1789 before me}

T Shelton Corr.

David Orme< no role >

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