City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1789 - 30th December 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650020161

Image 161 of 101923rd February 1789

Southwark Information of Witnesses taken at the parish
of Saint John within the Borough of Southwark in the
County of Surry on the 23d. day of February 1789 on view
of the body of David Davis< no role > now here lying dead.

David James< no role > a Mariner belonging to the Eleanor Sloop
whereof John Davies< no role > in Master now lying at Pickle
Herring Wharf in the Parish of Saint John within
the Borough of Southwark maketh Oath and saith
that Yesterday Morningaboutbetween the hours of
seven and eight Dept. being in Bed on board said
Vessel he heard the Master of said Vessel call the
deceased by Name-that the deceased was a [..]
Servant to the Master of said Vessel and used to
Sleep under where Dept. Slept that on said
Master of said Vessed calling for the deceased [..]
and he not answering Dept. also called him by Name
but rece'd. no answer upon which Dept. went to the
after part of said Vessel in order to inform said Master
of said Vessel that Deceased was not on board and
on his going upon Deck to do so he saw the deceased
lying upon the Mind upon his Back and his face
upwards-that he acquainted the Master of said
Vessel thereof-that Dept. and some other persons
went to the deceased and got into some Lighters
closely, and from thence he was conveyed on show
that Dept: and the deceased were on very good terms

Sworn the 23d. day of
February 1789 before me}

T Shelton Corr.

David James< no role >

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