City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1789 - 30th December 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650020203

Image 203 of 101910th March 1789

LondonInformation of Witnesses taken at the
parish of Saint Michael Wood Street in the
Ward of Cripplegate within in London the
10th. day of March 1789 on view of the body
of a Woman unknown there lying dead.

Thomas Clarke< no role > of No. 22 Bishopgate Street one of the
Watchman of the Ward of Cordwainer in London maketh oath that
on Sunday was a little before he was told a Woman was lying
at a Door in [..] street whom he went and looked at & that she
was in lequir but the watch not being sold he could not take her
to the Watchman or do anything with her further to known not

Sworn the 10th. day of March 1789
before me

Thos. Shelton< no role > Corr.

The Mark of
Thos: [mark] Clarke< no role >

William Blackmore< no role > of No.10 Tower Royal Court
London maketh oath that a little past 9 on Sunday eve
Dept. being Constable of the night he was sent for to take charging
the deced. when he found lying at the door of Mr. Cook a To [..]
in Queen Street Dept. says the appeared to his to be intoxicated.
That he took Lord Wood Street Compter to be kept throught & take
the passed to her parish in the morning when she came to Wood Street
compter she spoke her or time [..] & asked what was going to
be done with her. Dept left her at the Compter.

Sworn the 10th. day of March 1789
before me

Thos. Shelton< no role > Corr.

The Mark of
Wm. [mark] Blackmore< no role >

Sarah Smith< no role > [..] in Wood Street Compter and kept
oath that on Sunday night last the deced was put into the same
room Dept in, that she was put at the feel of the bed Dept &
and Woman slept in-says nothing parlar passed in them [..] & in
the money on Dept. nothing up she found the deced was dead

Sworn the 10th. day of March 1789 before me
Thos. Shelton Corr

Sarah Smith< no role >

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