City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1793 - 28th December 1793

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650060271

Image 271 of 97818th March 1793


Information of Witnesses taken at the
Parish of Saint Alphage in the Ward of
Cripplegate in London on view of the body of
a female Infant there lying dead.

Theophilus Dyson< no role > of New Basinghall Street Surgeon
maketh oath that on the 16th. instant be examined the
body of the deced a new born female infant; Says there was
no mark of violence either externally or internally upon the
Child or was there any natural defect. it was a pull groun
Child, & Dept [..] say what occasioned its death.

Sworn the 11th March 1793
before me
T Shelton Corr.}

Theoph Dyson< no role >

Mary Slark< no role > wife of Wm Slark< no role > of Helmet Court
London Wall maketh oath that this day Week she saw the
deced Child at the Grave Diggers; that she now [..] no mark of
violence about the Child, but the face of it appeared ratherred

Mary Slark< no role >

Sworn the 18 March 1793
before me T Shelton Corr.}

Martha Chambers< no role > of No 5 Carriers Court Lead an
Spinster maketh oath that the night of last Thursday week
she returned home about ½ part 12 & went into her had
Chamber where she usually slept with her Sister Eliz Chambers< no role >
who was then in bed & appeared to be very illThat dept
wanted her to send for a Doctor, which she declined doing

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