City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1796 - 30th December 1796

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650090467

Image 467 of 67717th September 1796


Depositions of Witnesses taken at London that
is to say at the Parish of Saint Sepulchre in the
Ward of Farringdon without in London
aforesaid this 17th. day of September 1796 on
view of the body of William Beckett< no role > now here
lying Dead.

John Abraham< no role > a Wheelwright & a lodger at the Fox & Knot
Alehouse Fox & knot Court St: Sepulchre & London maketh
Oath that he hath known the deced twelve years That he saw
the deced at Mr. Bater in Fox & Knot Court afsd. bet. 8 & 9 in the
Eveng of Thursday last that he stopt about ten Minutes sayed
he had been at a public house in Cow Cross & had some Beer there that he
[..] he determined to get home & go to Bed hehad made
up some Medicine that taken it [..] that he was then so sleepy
he would go home & go to Bedhe then bid Dept. good Night & left the
house That about eight oClock the next Morning


having head the deced was dead called at the deceds [..] House
in St. Johns Court St. Sepulchre's . that he found the deced lying on a
Bed in the Corner Room that he fell warm but appeared quite
Dead-that seven a night persons were in the Roomthat the
deced Wife was gone into the Country as Dept understood.

John Abraraham< no role >

Sworn this 17th. day of September
1796 before me}

John Hart< no role > a Shoemaker & maketh Oath that he has lodged in
a two pair Stairs Room of the deceds house near two years
That about nine oClock on Thursday Evening last the deced came
home & came up stairs Dept. hearing him opened his Room
Door & asked him what he wanted he sayed a Light Dept sayed
if he would come up he would give him a Lightthe deced
came up to Depts Room Dept. held him a Light the deced
sayed the Light was to strong for his Eyes desired Dept. to take it from
him and sayed he had made himself up a Medicine at the shop she believes
he had made it to strong for that he was very sleepy & that he
would go to Bed Dept lighted the deced Candle for him that
he appeared very Sleepy & trembled. Dept desired him to take
care of his Light & bid him a good Night the deced then went
down stairs in order as Dept. believes to go to Bed. That the
deced has been afflicted with a very violent Cough two years
pastsays the deced has been a Porter at Messrs. Willson Hodgins< no role > & Co. of
Snow Hill Drugg is to above two yearsthat while Dept. was lighting
the Candle for the deced as afd. the deced sayed his Wife was gone to
Portsmouth -that about ten Minutes past eight yesterday Morng

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