Middlesex Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

1st May 1781 - 31st December 1799

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCOIC651010577

Image 577 of 71212th July 1786

That the said William Summons on the 9th day of July in the Year afsdbeingriding [..] on a Certain Horse
in a Certain Field Called the Long Fields Sit in the Par: of Saint Pancross afsd It so happened that the sd Horse then & there
took Pright [..] by Reason Whereof he the sd W S was the [..] there Accidy Casually & by Misfore thrown over the
Head of the sd Horse to agt & upon helps and by Means whereof he the sd W S then & there [..] one
Mortal Fractureon the Handof the Skull of him the sd W S of wch sd. Mortal Fracture he the sd of the Skull W S then

& there Instantly died And so the Jurors afsd upon this Oath afsd do say that the sd W S in Manner & by
the Means of sd. Accidy Casually & by Misfortune Came to his Death & not sd wise, and that the sd. Horse was moving to the Death of the sd. W S. & is of the Value of 20s. and is ye Property & in the [..] of a person the Known In Vitn Etc.

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