Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450150440

Image 440 of 45830th March 1770

then and there being found Feloniously did Steal take and
carry away against the Peace of our said Lord the King his Crown
and Dignity Whereupon the Sheriff of the County aforesaid is
commanded that he do not omit by reason of any Liberty in his
Bailiwick but that he take the said Charles Hay< no role > to answer the
Premisses which said Indictment the said Justices of the Peace
afterward to wit at the Delivery of the Gaol of our said Lord the King
of Newgate holden for the County aforesaid at Justice Hall in the Old
Bailey in the Suburbs of the City of London on Wednesday the Twenty
fourth Day of October in the Tenth Year aforesaid Before Bart [..]
Trecothick Esquire Mayor of the City of London Sir Richard Ada [..]
Knight one of the Barons of our said Lord the King of his Court of
Exchequer The Honourable Henry Bathurst< no role > Esquire one of the Justice
of our said Lord the King of his Court of Common Pleas Sir Robert
< no role > Knight one of the Aldermen of the said City
William Nash< no role > Esquire one other of the Alderman of the said City
Brass Crosby< no role > Esquire one other of the Alderman of the said City
and others their Fellows Justices of our said Lord the King
assigned to deliver his said Gaol of Newgate of the Prisoners
there in being by their proper Hands to deliver here in Court of
Record in form of Law to be determined and afterwards at the
Delivery of the Gaol of our said Lord the King of Newgate holden for
the County aforesaid at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey in the Suburbs
of the said City of London on Wednesday the fifth Day of December in the
Eleventh Year aforesaid Before Brass Crosby< no role > Esquire Mayor of
the said City of London George Perrott< no role > Esquire one of the Barows of our
said Lord the King of his Court of Exchequer Sir Richard Aston< no role >
Knight one of the Justices of our said Lord the King assigned to hold
Pleas before the King himself Sir Richard Glyn< no role > Knight and
Baronet The Honourable Thomas Harley< no role > Esquire Barlow
< no role > Esquire Alderman of the said City of London James
< no role > Esquire Recorder of the said City and others their Fellows
Justices of our said Lord the King assigned to deliver his said
Gaol of Newgate of the Prisoner therein being cometh the said
Charles Hay< no role > pursuant to his Recognizances by him and his
Pledges in this Behalf first entred into and being brought to the
Bar in his proper person is committed to William Baker< no role > Esquire
and Joseph Martin< no role > Esquire Sheriff of the said County of Middlesex
and the said Charles Hay< no role > forth with concerning the Premisses
in the said Indictment above specified and Charged on him as
above being asked in what manner he would be acquitted thereof

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