Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450190026

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to wit.

The Information of Elizabeth Williams< no role > a Single Woman
and a Minor; a Lodger at No. 8 in Buckridge Street St.
Giles's in the County of Middlesex ; taken upon Oath
this 13th Day of March 1773 before us, Two of his
Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said

This Informant being upon her Oath
declareth and Saith, that this Night, a Woman
whose Name is (as she hath heard & believes)
Mary Connor< no role > did feloniously Rob and Steal
and take and Carry away from the Person of
the said Informant the Sum of Seven Shillings
And one Penny half penny in Silver and
Copper Coin numbered; being of the Lawfull
Coin of this Realm, and the property of
her the said Elizabeth Williams< no role > , feloniously
and without her leave knowledge, & Consent;
(but forcibly and feloniously)

Signed and Sworn (the Day
and year aforesaid) before us.}

Thos Bishop< no role >
Jno Lane< no role >

The Mark of
Eliza. Williams< no role >

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