Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450190035

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And this Informant [..] John Draper< no role > for himself
saith that he is an Apprentice to Mr Edward Cook< no role >
that on Tuesday the Second day of February last
this Informant came down between Six & Seven
o'Clock in the Morning and perceived the Yard door [..]
[..] Open and likewise another door which loads
into Skinners Street Open which this Informant
had himself fastened the Night before that upon
going into the back Parlour he perceived a Number of things
laying about the Room that upon looking further he
found the Sash of the parlour Window thrown up
& upon examining the Shutter [..] found the same
had been forced open by a Chissel or same such
Instrument this Informant further saith that he
knows the person now present who calls himself
William Lusby< no role > who has been several times with
this Informant at his masters door and once with him
in the Shop and that he saw the said Wm. Lusby< no role >
at his Masters door a short time before the Robbery

And this Informant Edward Cook< no role > for himself saith
that upon Tuesday Morning the Second of February last
about Eight O' Clock he was Informed by [..]
Apprentice [..] Draper that his House had been
broke Open that upon Examining the same he found
the back parlour Window Shutters had been wrenched
Open that upon inspection he found that the following
things [..] had been taken and Carried away
Vizt two Silver Table Spoons three tea spoons One
Silver Milk Ewer< no role > One Silver pap Boat one Silver Corrat
two Hettle one Wigg two Great Coat one Suit of
Black Cloaths One Suit of light Cold Cloaths one
Dash Cloth Waistcoat one pair of Leather Breeches
one Pair of Black Stocking Breeches three pair of
Worsted Stockings one Pair of Mens Shoes One Black
Silk Sack & Coat one White Flowered< no role > Silk Gown
one Buft & White Shiped Silk Gown with Flowers One
Worked Muslin Apron one Muslin Apron trdmmet with
an Edging five Shirts two Shirts unmade & one
Diaper Table Cloth but by whom this Informant
cannot say And this Informant further saith
that the three Tea spoons a Silver pass Boat a Silver
corral a Suit of Black Cloaths a Suit of light Cold.

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