City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

28th January 1696 - 15th October 1696

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150070122

Image 122 of 23129th June 1696

To the Rt. Honble: Sr . John Houblon< no role > Knt : Lord Maior of the
City of London And to ye Right Worll: his Maties: Justices of ye Peace
in the Generall Quarter Sessions of ye Peace assembled

The humble Peticon of the Churchwardens & Overseers of
the Peace of the Parishof St. Peters Cornhill London


That yor. Petr. being charged by this Honble. Counter to pay to the Poore of the
Parish of St. Botolph wth. out Bishoppsgate London the sume of Tenne Pounds
P Annu And yor. Petr. Poore being very much Encreased haveing many
Children to mainteyne The house keepers in yor. Petrs. Pish being very much
taken to decay the rates upon the assessmts. for the maintennce of yor. Petrs. Poore
being much greater then formerly and yor. Petrs. being much in debt and
although the Sacramt. is administred every Lord day in yor. Petrs. Pish yet have
not the mony given att those times save only for three Lords dayes in the yeare

Their Humble suite unto yor. good Honr. & Worpps. is
That yor. wilbe pleased to discharge yor. Petrs. from the
paymt. of the said sume of Tenne pounds or such
abatement thereof As to yor. god Honr. & Worpps.
shall see me meete.

And yor. Petrs. shall ever Pray Etc

Referred to St. Tho Lane< no role > & Sr . Edwd. Clerke< no role >
to heare & Reporte

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