City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

28th January 1696 - 15th October 1696

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150070148

Image 148 of 2313rd September 1696

London ss.

William Gardner< no role > on his Majties: behalfe Saith on Oath That
on the day of the date hereof as he was passing along in
Smithfield James Collings< no role > with another man came
to this Informant and imeadiately this Informant
[..] lost Twenty Shillings out of his pockets And
further this Informant Saith That he saw the said
James Collings< no role > give the said Money unto the other
Person that was with whose name is unknown
to this Informant. And further Robert Garner< no role > Saith
on Oath alsoe That he saw the said Collings and the other
Person not yet taken Standing by the said
William Gardner< no role > and presently after heard Cry out
that he was robbed & imediatly thereupon he
Seized him for the same And further said that he
saw the said Person that was with the said Collings
seized once before by one of the mortially men all
Windsor att the Installacon of the Duke of Glocester

Jurat her Tertio die Sept Anno Dm
1696 : Coram me
Ri: Levett< no role >

Will Gardner< no role >
Robert Garnner< no role >

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