City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

29th January 1699 - 19th December 1700

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150110081

Image 81 of 21729th August 1700

Midd ss

These are to Certifye that Daniel Cholmondly
hath appeared this day att the Sessions of the
peace held att Hicks Hall in St. John Streete in
& for the County of Midd & Given Sufficient
Sureties for his Psonall appance att the next
Seeions at the peace to be holden for the City
of [..] London to answer to an Indictmt.
here prterred against him for a heal
Datd in open Sessions this 31th: day of
Augut 1700.


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