City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

29th January 1699 - 19th December 1700

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150110107

Image 107 of 21722nd November 1700

that wn they came into Bridgett street
& were gott as far as ye passage that
leads into ye Play house there passed by
another Gentle woman in a Masqud & Se
Andrew said to her that he would have
that Lady to supper wth him likewise haveing
this Informt by ye hand at ye same time
Where upon One Mr John Cowland Standing
then upon ye steps at ye one of ye sd passage
tooke this Informt.abtby ye neck wth his
hand & said that he Coneaning Sr
Andrew) should not have two but that
this Informt. should god along with
him Where upon Sr Andrew turn'd
towards Mr Cowland & Smileing upon
hint said be civill to this Woman Sr
for the is my wife, and Mr Cowland
replyed in a jearing way yor Wife. I
will soon try that or words to that
effect and immediately step'd back
& drew his sword upon Sr Andrew &
bid him draw Where upon Sr Andrew
did draw but company comeing run
imediately they did not made any
pass Upon which ye Crowd pressd Sr
Andrew into ye back door of ye Rose
Tavern leading into ye sd passage & this
Informt follow'd him into ye sd Taverne

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