<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15011PS150110107"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150110107"></xptr>
<p n="346">that wn they came into Bridgett street<lb></lb>
& were gott as far as ye passage that<lb></lb>
leads into ye Play house there passed by<lb></lb>
another Gentle woman in a Masqud & Se<lb></lb>
Andrew said to her that he would have<lb></lb>
that Lady to supper wth him likewise haveing<lb></lb>
this Informt by ye hand at ye same time<lb></lb>
Where upon One Mr John Cowland Standing<lb></lb>
then upon ye steps at ye one of ye sd passage<lb></lb>
tooke this Informt.<del>abt</del>
by ye neck wth his<lb></lb>
hand & said that he Coneaning Sr<lb></lb>
Andrew) should not have two but that<lb></lb>
this Informt. should god along with<lb></lb>
him Where upon Sr Andrew turn'd<lb></lb>
towards Mr Cowland & Smileing upon<lb></lb>
hint said be civill to this Woman Sr<lb></lb>
for the is my wife, and Mr Cowland<lb></lb>
replyed in a jearing way yor Wife. I<lb></lb>
will soon try that or words to that<lb></lb>
effect and immediately step'd back<lb></lb>
& drew his sword upon Sr Andrew &<lb></lb>
bid him draw Where upon Sr Andrew<lb></lb>
did draw but company comeing run<lb></lb>
imediately they did not made any<lb></lb>
pass Upon which ye Crowd pressd Sr<lb></lb>
Andrew into ye back door of ye Rose<lb></lb>
Tavern leading into ye sd passage & this<lb></lb>
Informt follow'd him into ye sd Taverne</p>

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