City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

19th January 1736 - 24th February 1738

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150480015

Image 15 of 14724th February 1738

The King agt. Reynolds for perjury on the
prosecution of Richard Smith< no role >

Richard Smith< no role > the prosecutor this Cause and Robert Humphrys< no role >
of the parish of East Belfont in the County of Middlesex Yeoman
[..] joyntly and Severally maketh Oath and first this Depont.
Richard Smith< no role > for himself saith that Robert Portor< no role > at the White
Hart Inn at Cranford Bridge in the County of Middlesex aforesd
Inholder is a Material Witness for this Deponent upon the Tryal
of this Indictment without whose Evidence this Dept. can not (as
he is advised and verily believes) safety proceed to try all in this
Cause and the sd Robt Humphrys< no role > further saith that afsd. Robt.
porter is this Depont. father on Law And both these Depts.
upon their Oaths say that the sd Robert Porter< no role > is in do ill a
Slate of Heath that he cannot shri out of Doors (the sd
Robert Porter< no role > being twelve Miles from London) without
endangering his life as both these Deponts. verily believes

Both Sworn in Court at Justicehall in theat yeOld Bayley the
24th. Feb. 1737 }

By Court

Richard Smith< no role >
Robert Humphries< no role >

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