City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

19th January 1736 - 24th February 1738

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150480033

Image 33 of 14721st June 1737

Anne< no role > wife wife of John Best< no role > [..] of Shilsoe in Bedfordshire upon her oath
Saith that [..] on Monday the 13th. instant put forty pounds in money
under butter placed in a flatt Sent from Shilsoe aforesd by ye waggon
belonging to her husband directed for Mr White and She saw the Flatt
loaded on the waggon, and Geo. Neale< no role > Waggoner Sayes he drove the
said Waggon to Mims and Tho. Whitehead< no role > Sayes he drove the
said Waggon from Mims in to or heare newgate market London and he &
Daniell Pettit< no role > say they unloaded the said wagon & the said Daniell
Pettit sayes he is usually employed to carry the butter from ye place
where ye Waggon unleads to a Stall [..] or they in the sd. market
where Wm. Best< no role > the booke keeper usually attends to See the goods
delivered & Saith that whilst he was carrying Some of ye goods from
the wagon to the sd. they or Shall he met Wm. Harvey< no role > ye prisoner
now present carrying a flat of butter which he believes was to [..]
the sd. Stall or Shop & carryed to Mr White but without any delivery or
order of the sd. Wm. Best< no role > and this Dept. Pettit sayes that by Wm. Bests
ordr. he went to Mrs Whites & Searcht ye flatt of butter bat could
not find any money therein and the said Anne Best alsoe
John White< no role > Severally say That they doe Suspect that the sd Wm
Harvey Stole the sd. money he this Dept. White haveing lately before
forbidden him to middle with any butter Sent by the sd. wagon
till it was delivd. to him, and the sd Geo. Neale< no role > Tho Whitehead< no role >
and Daniell Pettit< no role > Severally oath for himself Saith That he did not
See the sd. money or told ye same or any part therefore or then the sd
flatt [..] of butter till this Dept Pettit opened it at Mr. Whites

Sworn this 21th
June 1737 before
Sr: Michellee

Ann Poest< no role >
John White< no role >

Geo. [mark] Neal< no role >

Daniel Pettit< no role >

Tho White< no role >

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