City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

23rd June 1772 - 23rd December 1773

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150840042

Image 42 of 23123rd February 1773


Detained on oath of Ann Armstrong< no role > on suspicion of being concerned with
James Burdell< no role > in burglariously entering her dwelling-house, and stealing
9 sheets, a shift, some pillow cases, Etc. Dated Feb. 4, 1773.

Detained on oath of John Clark< no role > , on suspicion of being concerned with
James Burdell< no role > , in burglariously entering his dwelling house and stealing
a mahogany table and 2 chairs. Dated Feb. 4, 1773.

10 William Evans< no role > ,
John McCormack< no role > ,}
committed by J. Sherwood, Esq ; on oath of James
< no role > , for robbing him on the highway of 8s.6d.
and a silver watch. Dated Feb. 4, 1773.

William Evans< no role > detained on oath of Thomas Roberts< no role > , for robbing him on
the highway of 1 guinea and 6s. and a silver watch. Dated Feb. 4, 1773.

11 David Johnson< no role > , from New-prison , committed by J. Sherwood, Esq ; on
oath of William Blackburn< no role > , for stealing 23 red and white linnen hand-
kerchiefs in the city of London . Dated Feb. 10, 1773.

12 Isabella Lawson< no role > , from New-prison , committed by Burford Camper< no role > , Esq ;
on oath of James Young< no role > , for stealing 3 guineas and one quarter guinea.
Dated Jan. 22, 1773.

13 Ann Jones< no role > , from New-prison , committed by J. Girdler, Esq; on oath of
John Weeks< no role > on suspicion, and detained for stealing a cloth coat and
a waistcoat his property. Dated Jan. 23, 1773.

Detained on oath of Thomas Warner< no role > , for stealing a coat, a pair of breeches,
3 shirts, Etc. his property. Dated Jan. 23, 1773.

14 Daniel M'Kenzie< no role > , from New-prison , committed by Sir John Fielding< no role > , Knt .
on oath of William Duer< no role > , Esq ; on suspicion, and detained for stealing
a shirt, a stock, and other things his property. Dated Jan. 23 and 27,

15 John Tyrrell< no role > , from New-prison , committed by Sir John Fielding< no role > , Knt . on
oath of Thomas Herbert< no role > and another, on suspicion of stealing 2 saws, his
property, and detained for stealing 2 saws, his property in the county of
Surry . Dated Feb 1 and 3, 1773.

16 Mary Goodwin< no role > , from New-prison , committed by S. Wright, Esq ; on oath
of George Lumley< no role > , on suspicion of stealing a box containing wearing ap-
parel, the property of Mrs. Doxey. Dated Feb. 3, 1773.

Detained on oath of Catherine Beck< no role > and another, for stealing a shift her
property, and a bonnet and negligee the property of Letitia Adderly< no role > .
Dated Feb. 10, 1773.

Detained on oath of Mary Fernihough< no role > and another, for stealing a pair of
ruffles the property of Marie Doxey. Dated Feb. 10, 1773.

17 George Wood< no role > , from New-prison , committed by W. Kelynge, Esq ; on oath
of Alexander Wood< no role > , for stealing a bar of iron his property. Dated
Feb. 4, 1773.

18 James Greatwood< no role > , from New-prison , committed by W. Kelynge, Esq ; on
oath of John Carter< no role > , on suspicion of stealing a pair of shoes, a pair of
stockings, and other apparel, his property. Dated Feb. 6, 1773.

Detained on oath of Isaac Mortimer< no role > and another, for stealing a waistcoat,
a shirt, Etc. his property. Dated Feb. 10, 1773.

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